Friday, October 8, 2010

Signs Signs Everywhere!!

For my Drifting project i looked for signs and arrows that guide us through our lives.
when you really take the time and slow down and look at all the signs and arrows on streets too the lanes all that. You really see how everything flows together and functions together it is interesting to just watch it. Everybody just united as a city FLOWING as a city!!!!.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

''Thinking about Visual Conventions''

                 The piece that I think is most representational is John Taylors. Howling Wolfs is more abstract.
Well the Form of Howling Wolf's piece is paper,pencil,crayon, and ink im not really sure what the form of John Taylors piece is. John Taylor's drawing depicts the landscape is detail and depth, unlike Howling Wolf's drawing. John Taylor's drawing has a center point, Wolf's drawing has no depth or center point, so i think Taylor is from the western culture or his work depicts it.
                   Wolf's work, each person is identifiable. They can be seen clear. Taylor's you can see who Native Americans are only by head dress or bow an arrow. Taylor's is very ethnocentric because of it mainly showing the whites or the United States Government. In Wolf's work you see his culture where the women do matter and mean something. Well in John Taylor's you can see the 1800's in the United States culture women were less important and less meaningful. Two differences in the role of women  in two different societies.