‘’Worlds Apart’’
As I looked at all of Chester Arnolds Art works at The Nevada Museum of Art,
I start to notice that they all have a look of distress in them. Some of them have garbage littered everywhere, people fighting, sewage pouring out, and even a man digging his own grave. The one that attracted me was ’’Worlds Apart’’.
‘’Worlds Apart’’ is a cliff top hide away for two. There are two houses sitting opposite of each other, split by a gorge between them with a bustling city with a lot of traffic below. The trash and sewage plays a role in ‘’Worlds Apart” too, just not as distinguishing or noticeable.
On the tops of the cliffs there are houses that have beautiful yards and everything they need. As you look down towards the city you notice in the cliffs there are bones, trash and sewage pouring down towards the city. Then at the bottom you come upon a bustling metropolis with stop and go traffic.
As I looked close and hard at this work of art, I feel strong feelings of distress still. It shows the earth crumbling beneath the two houses. To me it is saying ‘’there is only so much the earth can take from our suburban lifestyle”. Bill Vaughn once said, ''Suburbia is where developer bulldozes out the trees, then names the streets after them''.
“Worlds Apart” shows exactly what I see in real life today. Our lifestyle will inevitably destroy the earth from the inside out. That’s what I think Chester Arnold is trying to portray in this piece.
Good, I really like you summary. Concise.